Tax Information

Doing Your Own Taxes
Federal   (Due Tuesday, April 17, 2018)
The IRS has launched a new program designed to help tax preparers.  Learn more at
Information about ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers) can be found at
IRS forms and publications:
Order paper copies of IRS forms and publications by phone:  1-800-829-3676
State of Ohio  (Due  Tuesday, April 17, 2018)
· Print forms  from online site:
· Order forms  by phone: 1-800-282-1782
· Hot Line: 1-800-282-1784
City of Barberton   (Due Tuesday, April 17, 2018)
· Online:
· Finance Department: 330-848-6775 or 1-800-223-6317
City of Akron   (Due Tuesday, April 17,  2018)
· Online:
· Call for assistance: 330-375-2290
If you need books to aid you with you tax preparation, call 330-745-1194 ext. 1419 to talk to a Librarian about finding the right book to help. 

Two great general tax preparation books are

JK Lasser's Your Income Tax 

The Ernst and Young Tax Guide 

United Way Free Vita Tax Preparation Assistance
Call 330-643-5508 to schedule an appointment.
The United Way’s VITA/Financial Empowerment  Center 
1060 Kenmore Blvd., Akron, OH 44314
What you need to bring to get your taxes done:
· Proof of Identity (Picture ID)
· Social Security Cards for everyone on the tax return.  (Or a Social Security  Number verification letter issued by the Social Security Administration)
· Birth dates for everyone on the tax return.
· If you acquired health insurance through the Marketplace– Form 1095-A and the Health Insurance Marketplace Statement
· Wage and earning statement(s) Form W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, from all employers
· Interest and dividend statements from banks (Form 1099)
· Any other tax documents needed to accurately complete your return
· A copy of last year’s Federal and State returns, if available
· Bank Routing Numbers and Account Numbers for Direct Deposit
· Total paid for day care provider and the day care provider's tax identifying  number 



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